Assassin's Creed Figures. Assassin’s creed comes to you in pop Vinyl form The assassin’s creed Altair pop Vinyl figure features the video game protagonist as a stylized vinyl figure What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Page 1 of 1 Start over Funko Pop! Games Assassins Creed Valhalla Eivor 338 $1895 Witcher Geralt 2780 $2331.

A man of many talents Benjamin Franklin is a prominent and wellknown American historical figure A Founding Father writer political philosopher freemason inventor the list goes on He shows up three different times in three separate Assassin’s Creed games over the years That just speaks to how important a historical figure he is.
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Assassin‘s Creed 3 which took the series of historical action games to the American Revolutionary War was a lackluster experience in the eyes of many playersHistory buffs however found a lot to love in Assassin‘s Creed 3’s abundance of realworld historical figures to meet and interact with The Assassin‘s Creed series contrasts a futuristic power struggle.
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Every Historical Figure In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Top 10 Historical Figures You Can Creed Meet In Assassin’s
Benjamin Franklin Ben Franklin might set a franchise record for being the historicalLeonardo da Vinci Assassin’s Creed II and Brotherhood used Leonardo da Vinci’s brillianceAlcibiades Who would have thought that the breakout star of Assassin’s Creed OdysseyBrasidas Brasidas wins the Assassin’s Creed “holy crap that guy was real?” historicalBlackbeard Black Flag is one of the best loved Assassin’s Creed games and characters likeCaterina Sforza Ezio ran into some of Renaissance Italy’s more colorful characters in hisCharles Dickens Syndicate is packed with titans of the Victorian era — Charles DickensRodrigo Borgia/Pope Alexander VI Yes Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia is the bad guy in Assassin’sQueen Victoria Syndicate takes “God save the Queen” to the extreme with its endgameAspasia When Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was announced there was immediate hope that.