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Darth Kaos Star Wars Fanon Fandom
STAR WARS Kaos dan merchandise STAR WARS import original
OverviewBiographyPersonality and traitsThere must always be three Dark Lords To forge better plans to instate more fear and to punish each other more severely However one must always lead One to control the power Another must be his favorite One to be taught the power The last must be the true apprentice One to crave the power and scheme to take it —Darth Kaos Early life Kill the spare —Darth Sidious to Canor Jax on Lehon Born on the obscure planet of Lehon in 21 BBY Gerad Herks never saw his father in person This is because Juron Herks left to fight in the Clone Wars approximately five months after the Battle of Geonosis Being a Jedi General Juron was later killed on Saelucami by the clone troopers under his command when Order 66 was issued When Gerad was seven years old Darth Sidious and Carnor Jax landed on Lehon searching for traces Traitor? Why yes I suppose I am —Darth Kaos to Axmos Staal upon announcing the latter's execution Darth Kaos was an extremely cruel individual living almost his entire life without experiencing or feeling mercy or happiness He was also permanently obsessed with victory going to any lengths to win in battle and becoming enraged if he was defeated During the Sith Rebellion he once personally tortured the Loyalist High Command before killing half of them after his third defeat in the.