Resep Sop Kikil Sapi. Sate sapi Jepara satay made of cow meat mixed with spices typical of Jepara Sate kikil a satay dish made of kikil (beef tendon) also called satay cecek Usually served with horokhorok Pecel ikan laut panggang roasted saltwater fish served with coconut milk sauce Tempong uncooked dried anchovy shaped like fritter Kudus Indonesian stamp displaying soto Kudus Jenang.

Some versions of ayam goreng are neither coated in batter nor flour but seasoned richly with various spices The spice mixture may vary among regions but usually it consists of a combination of ground shallot garlic Indian bay leaves turmeric lemongrass tamarind juice candlenut galangal salt and sugarThe chicken pieces are soaked and marinated in the spice.
Ayam goreng Wikipedia
Resep Sop Kikil Kaki Sapi Kuah Bening Resep Masakan 4
Javanese cuisine Wikipedia