Sastia Prama Putri. Dr Sastia Prama Putri akan hadir pada SCKD 2019 di Jakarta pada tanggal 1924 Agustus 2019 Beliau merupakan ilmuwan Simposium Cendekia Kelas Dunia 2019 Dit.
Indonesia S Researchers Win Recognition The Water Network By Aquaspe from The Water Network
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Kiprah Dr. Sastia Prama Putri: Dosen Luar Biasa ITB
Dr Sastia Prama Putri August 2013now Speciallyappointed lecturer School of Life Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia April 2014 now Speciallyappointed Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University JAPAN January 2011 April 2014 Speciallyappointed researcher (Postdoctoral researcher.
Dr. Sastia Prama Putri and Professor Eiichiro Fukusaki
Sastia Prama Putri is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University She received her PhD from International Center for Biotechnology Osaka University in which she worked on the discovery of novel bioactive compounds from natural products and gained in depth techniques in analytical and organic chemistry as well as biochemistry Her.
Sastia Putri, Ilmuwan Cantik yang Harumkan Nama Indonesia
Dr Sastia Prama Putri received her undergraduate degree from Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia in 2004 Soon after she joined the UNESCO Postgraduate InterUniversity Course in Biotechnology for a year during which she conducted research at Osaka University for ten months She was then offered to return to Osaka University as a graduate student at the.
Indonesia S Researchers Win Recognition The Water Network By Aquaspe
Ripening GCMS Based Metabolite Profiling to Monitor
Sastia Prama Putri’s research works Osaka University
Mass SpectrometryBased Metabolomics 1st edición
Sastia Prama Putri
ForMIND Pimpinan ForTI –
Dr. Sastia Prama Putri, Assistant Professor, Graduate
and Shrimp count size: GC/MSbased metabolomics approach
Dr. Sastia Prama Putri – Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati
Sastia prama putri YouTube
Sastia Prama Putri ResearchGate
Dialah Sastia Prama PutriSastia juga merupakan asisten profesor di Osaka University dan profesor di Institut Teknologi Bandung Tak hanya itu saja ia pun pernah berkesempatan bergabung dengan UNESCO Training Course in Biotechnology di Jepang Setelah bergabung dengan UNESCO Sastia pun memutuskan untuk mengambil gelar doktornya di Osaka.