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Pioneer AVHP3450DVD 7inch DoubleDIN DVD Multimedia AV Receiver by Pioneer DISCONTINUED Image gallery (1) 7″ (169) Wide QVGA Fully Motorised LCD Colour Display MOSFET 50W x 4 Max Power Output 112 bottom illumination color variations AG (AntiGlare) coated LCD color screen Video/Audio connection for iPod and iPhone (Requires CDIU201V).
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Pioneer firmware and software downloads shall apply to specific Pioneer models and are for use within specific territories only The responsibility to ensure the compatibility of your Pioneer product to download any specific Pioneer firmware and or software shall be solely vested in you.
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PDF fileSystem Firmware Update Instructions for Pioneer DVD Receivers (AVHX1700S AVHX2700BS AVH X3700BHS AVH X4700BS and AVHX5700BHS) This firmware update (version 829) applies only to the following models of Pioneer DVD Receivers sold in the United States and Canada AVHX5700BHS AVHX4700BS AVHX3700BHS AVHX2700BS AVHX1700S .