Surat To Rajkot Distance. The train journey time between Rajkot and Surat is around 8h 33m and covers a distance of around 477 km Operated by Indian Railways the Rajkot to Surat train service departs from Rajkot Jn and arrives in Surat Typically 46 trains run weekly although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance 46 Weekly Trains.
Distance Between Bhavnagar And Surat To Reduce By 300 Km Pm Modi To Launch Ropax Ferry Services Details The Financial Express from
5 rowsDistance from Surat to Rajkot Distance from Sūrat to Rājkot is 243 kilometers This air travel SŪRAT DISTANCE Distance Distance from Surat to Kosamba 32 km 32 km Distance from Surat to Mumbai 235 km 235 km Distance from Surat to Pune 315 km 315 km Distance from Surat to Kheralu 299 km.
Surat to Rajkot Trains Book from 30 Trains, Timing, Fare
Shortest Rail Distance 475 km 23 LongDistance Trains 6 LHB Trains 3 Daily Trains 10 Mail/Express Trains 12 SuperFast Trains 1 Humsafar Trains India Rail Info is a Busy Junction for Travellers & Rail Enthusiasts It also hosts a Centralized Database of Indian Railways Trains & Stations and provides crowdsourced IRCTC Train Enquiry Services.
Surat to Rajkot 5 ways to travel via train, night train
The minimum time taken by a bus from Surat is 7h 0m The cheapest way to reach from Surat to Rajkot is train to Nadiad Jn then bus to Rajkot and takes 10h 5m The fastest way to reach from Surat to Rajkot is bus to Rajkot and takes 7h 28m The recommended way to reach from Surat to Rajkot is bus to Rajkot and takes 7h 28m.
Rajkot to Surat 6 ways to travel via train, night train
See the distance between Surat and Rajkot with map locating shortest roads and directions from Surat to Rajkot Also check distance from Surat to Rajkot and Surat to other major cities of India.
Distance Between Bhavnagar And Surat To Reduce By 300 Km Pm Modi To Launch Ropax Ferry Services Details The Financial Express
driving distance Surat from Rajkot How far is
Distance Rajkot → Surat Air line, driving route, midpoint
Rajkot to Surat Distance 453 Km Road Distance, Aerial
Distance from Rajkot to Distance calculator
LongDistance Trains, Shortest Distance Surat to Rajkot
Rajkot To Surat Trains Book from 26 Trains Check Train
Distance from Surat to Rajkot
Distance from Rajkot to Surat Distance Calculator
Road Map from Surat to Rajkot
Distance Between Surat 444 Kms , to Rajkot Is Duration
Surat to Rajkot Distance, Duration, Driving Direction by
Surat to Rajkot route, how to reach Rajkot from Surat by
Distance between Surat and Rajkot, Surat to Rajkot Distance
Rajkot to Surat Distance, Flight Distance Distance Road
Surat to Rajkot Distance 452 Km Road Distance Aerial Distance MakeMyTrip India Check distance from Surat to Rajkot & Duration book air tickets online at MakeMyTripcom Get information on One way Round trip Distance & time of all domestic airlines with flight number for Surat Rajkot route Flights Hotels Villas & Apts.