Varcoindo Bina Jaya. PT VarcoINDO Bina Jaya is a local Indonesian company and is one of the leaders for Tubular Running Services Serving the oil and gas industry for more than 20 years PT VarcoINDO Bina Jaya is committed to provide a high quality handling equipment and power tools for your needs PT VarcoINDO Bina Jaya focuses on three major lines • Sales Employees 27.
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VarcoINDO Bina Jaya | Rental & Supply for Drilling Equipment and Tubular Running Services > Products > Merk > Bvm > Rotary Manual Tongs Rotary Manual Tongs Tong Type Type SDD Type DB Type B (Long) Type C (Long) Type LF Type MS Type B (Extended) CAT E G O R I E S B V M OT H E R S TAG S B V M ROTA RY M A N U A L TO N G ADD TO QUOTE.
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Pt varcoindo bina jaya Pt varcoindo bina jaya is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.
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PT STEELINDONESIA.COM® Informasi VarcoINDO Bina Jaya.,
Rotary Manual Tongs
Varcoindo Bina Jaya Building Material ( General) in Jakarta
Varcoindo Bina JayaVarcoindo Bina Jaya terdaftar di Jakarta Indonesia Itu diterbitkan dalam Berita Negara pada 2013 dengan BN 77 TBN 118699 Alamat perusahaan yang terdaftar JL BAMBU APUS RAYA NO 16 KEL BAMBU APUS KEC CIPAYUNG Badan Hukum Varcoindo Bina JayaTipe PTNotaris Abdul Salam SH.